[Mailman-Users] Virtual sites

Brad Knowles brad at stop.mail-abuse.org
Thu Sep 14 17:11:44 CEST 2006

At 9:42 AM +0100 2006-09-14, David Lee wrote:

>  So I certainly wouldn't classify "list at dom1" and "list at dom2" (same name
>  "list") as 'quirky'. Rather as 'routine' for an ISP-like organisation
>  offering multiple, logically independent domains.

Mailman was never designed to be used in a hosted/ISP/virtual domain 
environment.  It was originally designed to be run by individual 
list/site administrators on their own machine, where they have full 
privileged command-line access to the entire system.  Running it in 
any other kind of environment is likely to expose areas where it does 
not perform so well.

Just read all the FAQ entries pertaining to cPanel, Plesk, Apple, etc....

>  And I hereby match my "+1" request with a "+1" offer to help test and
>  debug (so far as I reasonably can) any related beta code from the Mailman
>  developers.

We don't have a mailman-testers list.  We have mailman-users and 
mailman-developers.  If you're up to the task of discussing 
modifications to the Python source code, then you're welcome to 
subscribe to the mailman-developers list.

I don't know where proper handling of full virtual domains is going 
to be implemented.  I don't know if they're going to try to do that 
for Mailman 2.2, or if that's going to have to wait for Mailman3. 
But either way, it's going to be a little while before this is 

Brad Knowles, <brad at stop.mail-abuse.org>

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