[Mailman-Users] I sent out a mailing, how can I know it's done or not?

Brad Knowles brad at shub-internet.org
Tue Nov 28 08:49:53 CET 2006

At 12:46 PM +0800 11/28/06, Stanley Chen wrote:

>  When I read on the logs/smtp, many of the records said "All recipients
>  refused: (452, '4.4.5 Insufficient disk space; try again later')", but
>  there are actually plenty of the disk space left in the server, why?

Again, that's likely to be a question specific to your MTA, and you 
should be looking for support on these issues from the organization 
that is specifically set up to do that.

So, if you use sendmail, go to sendmail.org.  If you use postfix, go 
to postfix.org.  And so on.

We can help you with questions related to Mailman, but we can't 
really help you with questions related to your MTA.

Brad Knowles, <brad at shub-internet.org>

Trend Micro has announced that they will cancel the stop.mail-abuse.org
mail forwarding service as of 15 November 2006.  If you have an old
e-mail account for me at this domain, please make sure you correct that
with the current address.

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