[Mailman-Users] new list, slammed and hosed...

Dr. Scott S. Jones scott at fyrenice.com
Sat Nov 25 20:43:52 CET 2006

I recently reopened a list for my wife's business. I have a few of my own
lists. I NEVER get any unsolicited postings to my list, which has been up a
few weeks, yet after 2 days of starting my wife's list, I am getting
spammed, hosed and slammed by all sorts of dubious posts. 

Is there something that should be set in Privacy or otherwise, in my list
versus the wife's new list, that it allowing all the crap in? 

Finally, both lists are moderated. What if i opened up my wife's list, and
just let anyone post any old thing to it. Could opening it expose my server,
upon which it runs, to danger, hacking, and other attack? 

Please advise. 


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