[Mailman-Users] Default options for list

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Fri Nov 17 21:44:31 CET 2006

Anne Ramey wrote:

>I was setting my system defaults for a new installation of mailman and 
>seem to have run across a stumbling block.  I can set the 
>generic_member_moderation to yes, but there doesn't seem to be a way in 
>mm_cfg.py to set default member_moderation_action or default 
>member_moderation_notice...or am I missing something?

You can set the default value for default_member_moderation for new
lists via


The default values for member_moderation_action and
member_moderation_notice are hard coded in Mailman/MailList.py to
'Hold' and empty respectively.

>I don't see any 
>defaults for those in Defaults.py and when I try
>DEFAULT_MEMBER_MODERATION_NOTICE = "You do not have permission to post 
>to this list, Please contact the list owner with any issues"
>it seems to have no effect.

You can't add any setting to mm_cfg.py that isn't in Defaults.py.
Mailman won't see it. If it did look for it and it wasn't defined in
Defaults.py, it would produce an error.

>How do I set a system default for these?

You could change Mailman/MailList.py to use
mm_cfg.DEFAULT_MEMBER_MODERATION_NOTICE instead of the current hard
coded 0 and '', and then you could put them in mm_cfg.py.

Or you could put the two lines

member_moderation_action = 1
member_moderation_notice = "You do not have permission to post to this
list, Please contact the list owner with any issues"

in a file and run bin/config_list with this file as input on the new

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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