[Mailman-Users] Zombie post

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Sat May 13 23:25:03 CEST 2006

Jack Aubert wrote:

>When I was setting up Mailman created a bogus list called 
>"peacecorps" and sent it a test message.  There were several things 
>wrong with the list, and and I deleted it.


>I now continue to get a 
>daily notification of a pending message, (included below) including 
>the bogus default address supplied by RedHat although there is no 
>longer a list to permit or deny the message. Is there any way to 
>manually locate this zombie posting and delete it?

If there is no lists/peacecorps/ directory, the list is gone and you
won't get this message unless there is some cron somewhere running a
cron/checkdbs script in some other mailman installation not completely
uninstalled that still has a lists/peacecorps/ directory.

There may also be a data/heldmsg-peacecorps-nn.pck file which contains
the actual message. This is not causing the notice which is driven by
lists/peacecorps/request.pck, but if it's there, you might as well
delete it.

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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