[Mailman-Users] changed templates

Steve Campbell campbell at cnpapers.com
Thu May 4 20:55:35 CEST 2006

As a follow up to what I had tried earlier and reading many, many more posts 
from the archives about modifying templates:

I tried creating the 'list1/en' directory under templates also. I seem to be 
reading that there are many different places I can put the modified 
masthead.txt files. I then moved my masthead file to the new directory and 
restarted, but received the same missing header (or blank line).

I then removed all of the new masthead files and directories, thinking that 
this would put things back to the way they were before I started messing 
things up, and restarted. I still get no header is my emails from the list.

Something is missing in my way of thinking.

Any help would be greatly appreciated - Thanks

Steve Campbell
campbell at cnpapers.com
Charleston Newspapers

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