[Mailman-Users] Pipermail directs to http instead of https?

Todd Zullinger tmz at pobox.com
Tue Jun 27 21:37:24 CEST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Ryan Steele wrote:
> Todd Zullinger wrote:
>> If RedirectPermanent broke things horribly, it likely wouldn't be
>> in the FAQ.  It should only cause one redirection, from http to
>> https.
> It doesn't break things horribly.  But, it can cause problems if it
> causes a redirection limits issue, which it frequently does.
> http://jessey.net/archive/2005/04/24/redirection-limit-exceeded/ is
> just an example of how it can cause issues.  I'd prefer not to run
> into them.

With your Apache properly configured, you won't run into them. :)

I'd certainly want to redirect users and admins to the SSL version of
the mailman pages so they aren't logging in via an unencrypted

>>> PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL = 'https://%(hostname)s/pipermail/%(listname)s'
> Ah, yes, I read your reply wrong.  the (hostname) and (listname) threw 
> me.  I was looking more for a 'https://%s/pipermail/%listsymbol' 
> response, though I'm not sure what symbol would go into representing the 
> listnames.

The value used above would be exactly what you'd use.  In python, the
%(hostname)s and %(listname)s will be expanded to the values of
hostname and listname.  Check out the current value for
PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL in Defaults.py.  Just copy it to mm_cfg.py and
change http to https.  Then regenerate your archives using the arch
command in ~mailman/bin/.

You said previously that fix_url.py didn't work for you.  There may be
some other things in mm_cfg.py that need to be set correctly for that
to do what you want.  If you post more details about what you have set
for DEFAULT_URL_HOST and any other hosts you've added via
add_virtualhost it might help someone here get you pointed in the
right direction.

- -- 
Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insignificant
    -- Samuel Butler

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