[Mailman-Users] Pipermail directs to http instead of https?

Ryan Steele steele at agora-net.com
Tue Jun 27 19:48:36 CEST 2006

Todd Zullinger wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Ryan Steele wrote:
>> I can't see having RedirectPermanent being a good solution...many
>> servers limit the number of redirections, and I know that Firefox
>> and IE will suffer from redirection limits as well...there is
>> extensive documentation of this resulting from a simple Google
>> search.
> If RedirectPermanent broke things horribly, it likely wouldn't be in
> the FAQ.  It should only cause one redirection, from http to https.
It doesn't break things horribly.  But, it can cause problems if it 
causes a redirection limits issue, which it frequently does.  
http://jessey.net/archive/2005/04/24/redirection-limit-exceeded/ is just 
an example of how it can cause issues.  I'd prefer not to run into them.
>> Also, someone suggested:
>> Don't you also need to set PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL as well?
>> Something like this is what I've done in the past, but it's been a
>> while since I setup an installation using SSL that had archiving
>> enabled.
>> PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL = 'https://%(hostname)s/pipermail/%(listname)s'
>> I would hope I wouldn't have to do that for every list.
> This is a setting that goes into mm_cfg.py, so it's done once for the
> whole mailman installation.  You would then regenerate the archives
> for each list so that any links are correct in the archives.
Ah, yes, I read your reply wrong.  the (hostname) and (listname) threw 
me.  I was looking more for a 'https://%s/pipermail/%listsymbol' 
response, though I'm not sure what symbol would go into representing the 

Thanks for the input though, I appreciate it!


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