[Mailman-Users] message body is blank for some users

Dragon dragon at crimson-dragon.com
Fri Jun 2 17:53:27 CEST 2006

Brad Knowles sent the message below at 19:37 6/1/2006:
>At 10:02 PM +0100 2006-06-01, Heal Secretary wrote:
> >  I am using Eudora which shows plenty of messy headings. I don't know
> >  if it is a MUA or not.
>         Eudora is an MUA (Mail User Agent), and I happen to use the same
>program.  However, you need to look at more than just the headers --
>you also need to look at the raw message body, which is something
>that Eudora does not do (so far as I know).
---------------- End original message. ---------------------

I use Eudora too, as far as I know, it doesn't allow you to do that. 
However, the .mbx files that Eudora uses are a slightly modified mbox 
format and can be viewed easily with a text editor.

The easiest way to do this is to create a new mailbox in Eudora, 
transfer the message to that mailbox and then open it in a text editor.


  Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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