[Mailman-Users] archives has bad group of list, how to fix?

Dragon dragon at crimson-dragon.com
Fri Jul 28 23:25:03 CEST 2006

Jana Nguyen sent the message below at 14:02 7/28/2006:
>Hi there,
>I ran the "bin/check_perms script" and got the following output to be
>fix, I'm not sure what is the problem, and how to fix it:
>/usr/local/mailman/archives/public/birntest bad group (has: jnguyen,
>expected mailman) (fixing)
>p.s. 'jnguyen' is my username.
---------------- End original message. ---------------------

Did you run the script with the -f option to fix the problems it found?

If you don't have sufficient permissions to change the file 
permissions and owners when logged in under your own account, you may 
have to get somebody with root access to do it or have an admin add 
you to the appropriate group to allow it. The default user:group in 
default install is mailman:mailman but that could have been changed 
using configure when mailman was installed.


  Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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