[Mailman-Users] keep html & scrub attachments

Brad Knowles brad at stop.mail-abuse.org
Thu Jul 27 01:44:22 CEST 2006

At 3:00 PM +0100 2006-07-26, Stuart Wyles wrote:

>  how do you preserve html formatting in the original message, and at the
>  same time scrub any attachments, without the html being escaped? ie. I'm
>  wanting messages arriving both at a subscribers inbox, and in the archive,
>  to look like the original message (html intact) with only difference from
>  the original being url's replacing attachments. I'm using Mailman 2.1.6 +
>  mhonarc.

There's a distinction here between what Mailman does and what mhonarc 
does.  Mailman will either strip any MIME message bodyparts that 
don't match your specified criteria, or only allow through certain 
MIME message bodypart types that you specify.  It can also convert 
html-formatted messages into plain text.  Other than that, it doesn't 
do anything to change the formatting of the message.

What mhonarc does to what it gets passed from Mailman, that is a 
totally separate question which you should bring up with with 
maintainers of mhonarc.

Brad Knowles, <brad at stop.mail-abuse.org>

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