[Mailman-Users] 24 h delays in e-mails distribution.

Andy andyk at spunge.org
Mon Jul 3 01:33:30 CEST 2006

> >From your description, I am guessing that you are doing some time
> consuming validation on SMTP transactions in your outgoing MTA and
> OutgoingRunner is hopelessly backlogged. If this is the case, it
> should be obvious from a detailed look at Mailman's 'smtp' log. If
> you're seeing SMTP for hundreds of recipients taking more than a few
> seconds and the difference between the timestamps of adjacent entries
> equal to the duration of the first entry, this is your problem.
> For starters, don't do DNS validation of RCPT commands in the MTA. Then
> look at the tuning tips for your MTA in section 6 of the FAQ
> <http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py>.

Thank you for your reply.
The cause: the qrunner was sticking.
Rebooting the machine after deleting the E-mail that it was sticking on seems
to have fixed the problem.


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