[Mailman-Users] Virtual-domain support?

Matt England mengland at mengland.net
Fri Jan 27 05:06:40 CET 2006

At 1/26/2006 09:43 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>There are some patches around. See
>There is also a link to cPanel's patches at
>But reports from people who've tried these suggest that they may be an
>incomplete solution at best, and may not work at all.

Ok, thanks.

So the question is:  is there any move afoot to change Mailman to support 
same list names across multiple domains?

Why can't Mailman index it's list names such that the domain name is 
associated with the internal list name...thus allowing for the internal 
structure to have the same list name for different domains?

I suspect the answer:  it's hard because that support was not build into 
the architecture.  And that's a fine answer for me.

The followup question (assuming the above answer...which may or may not be 
a fair assumption):  will this architecture ever be changed to remove this 


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