[Mailman-Users] Spam check and bounced email's body

Oliver Schulze L. oliver at samera.com.py
Wed Feb 22 19:40:38 CET 2006

Hi Mark,
ok, I will try to find a solution in my spam filter.
Will not scan if the email is relayed by mailman.

But still will have problem if the owner's mail server have a spam solution.
Maybe my mailman email server can get black listed for sending spam :(

I think its a nice feature request to ask, "do not send body of the 
deffered email" ;)


Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Oliver Schulze L. wrote:
>> My question is:
>> how can I configure mailman to not sent the body of the email in the 
>> notification
>> to the owner of the list?
> You can turn off admin_immed_notify so the admin/moderator only gets a
> daily summary of held posts. There's no other option for it.
> If the daily summary is not sufficient, you could increase the
> frequency of the cron/checkdbs job in mailman's crontab.

Oliver Schulze L.
<oliver at samera.com.py>

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