[Mailman-Users] New Mailman Installation - Can't Send Email toaNewList(reformatted)

mcjathan mcjathan1 at xmission.com
Mon Dec 4 12:52:46 CET 2006

Mark Sapiro wrote:
> So we're back to the original question. Please go back to
> <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2006-November/054347.html>
> and try to understand what I wrote there. As I said there, "The fact
> that you have nothing in virtual-mailman after running bin/genaliases
> and/or creating lists indicates you have no lists whose host_name
> attribute is in the POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS list".
> Since POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS is apparently correct, the problem
> is with the lists. This is because the various DEFAULT_*_HOST settings
> and add_virtualhost directives are not correct in mm_cfg.py or weren't
> when the lists were created. The post referenced above says more about
> this.

Mark,  Ok, I added these lines at the end of the mm_cfg.py file:

    DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'www.domain1.net'
    DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'mail.domain1.net'
    add_virtualhost(DEFAULT_URL_HOST, 'mail.domain2.net')

Then, I ran the command below that refresh the mailman system:

    bin/withlist -l -a -r fix_url --

Then, I verified that the file virtual-mailman had been populated.
Looks good so far...

Now, how do I restart or "refresh" the Postfix system?

Regards,  Jeff

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