[Mailman-Users] subscriber list by E-mail

Thomas Gramstad thomas at ifi.uio.no
Fri Nov 11 19:21:28 CET 2005

I'm one of three list administrators of a large newsletter
managed by Mailman.  While I have shell access to the
machine where Mailman is installed, the other two do not.
We want the other two to be able to take a back-up of the
subscriber list when they want to.  I thought this could
be achieved in a simple way by E-mail, by sending
a message with something like
<password> who <listname>
to Mailman.  But that doesn't work at all, it doesn't
even cause an error message.

I tried to search the Mailman FAQs, other documentation, and
various searches in Google, and have been using about 45
minutes on this, and I'm not even close to find anything
about getting the subscriber list by E-mail.
So is it impossible?  If so, what is an alternative way
for the other two to get all the subscribers at once
(and not 30 at a time)?
If it is possible, what is the exact syntax for the command,
and is there any public information anywhere about this
deeply hidden feature?

Thomas Gramstad
thomas at ifi.uio.no

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