[Mailman-Users] How do the spammers do it?

JC Dill lists05 at equinephotoart.com
Sat May 14 21:03:43 CEST 2005

Mike Avery wrote:

>Someone else said they are pulling their hair out.  Me too!
>This has happened several times - I create a new list for a local 
>group.  I add the users to it myself.  I make the list public in the 
>Mailman/listinfo web page.  And within 2 weeks, the list starts getting 
>How do they get the list name?  
A recipient has a virus/trojan infected computer that is disclosing the 
list email address to the spammer who controls the trojan.

I have an email address that I use only for friends.  I sent out my 
change of address announcement about 6 months ago.  Just a few days ago 
this address started getting spammed.  The address is not in google (web 
or groups) and is not on any "hidden" webpages either.  So one of my 
100+ friends who received the change of address email has an infected 
computer.  :-(


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