[Mailman-Users] Member list oddity

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Fri Jun 3 02:35:14 CEST 2005

Mike Avery wrote:

>On some lists when I check the member page, the membership is shown on a 
>single page.  On other lists, the membership is broken out alphabetically.
>However, this doesn't seem to be related to list size.  One list with 
>over 100 members is shown on a single page while another list with about 
>50 members is broken out alphabetically.

It is controlled by size, but it's a per list attribute.

>Is there some option I just haven't noticed that controlls this?  Could 
>it be based on which version of Mailman was used to create the list?
>I'd love to be able to toggle this behavior, but just haven't figured 
>out how yet.

The paginating of the member list is controlled by the list attribute
admin_member_chunksize which is set at list creation time from the
Defaults.py/mm_cfg.py variable DEFAULT_ADMIN_MEMBER_CHUNKSIZE (default
value = 30).

The problem is admin_member_chunksize is not available in the list
admin GUI or in config_list so once a list is created, you have no
easy, visible way to change it. See

In your case, it appears that DEFAULT_ADMIN_MEMBER_CHUNKSIZE has been
changed so older, pre-change lists have one value for
admin_member_chunksize and newer lists have another. You can use
bin/withlist to change it for an existing list. For example - set
admin_member_chunksize = 100 for the mailman list

$ bin/withlist -l mailman
Loading list mailman (locked)
The variable `m' is the mailman MailList instance
>>> m.admin_member_chunksize = 100
>>> m.Save()
Unlocking (but not saving) list: mailman

The '>>>' are Python prompts - the 'empty response is a control-D

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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