[Mailman-Users] Spams are causing "ping pongs"

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Sat Jul 2 15:53:26 CEST 2005

Daniel O'Connor wrote:
>I am running MIMEDefang which calls Spam Assassin to mark incoming messages
>with X- headers and Mailman is configured to hold messages with those headers
>(if it matters). This list is configured to hold messages from
>non-subscribers and to not send "your message is held" emails.

There is a recent thread on this in the archives. See the entire thread
starting at

If (one of) the regexp(s) in header_filter_rules matches the subject of
the owner notification - "%(listname)s post from %(sender)s requires
approval" - the owner notification is held again, thus the loop.

If you have something like [spam] in your regexp(s), make sure the
brackets are escaped - \[spam\]

There may be a problem matching the X- headers as well. in 2.1.6,
header_filter_rules matches the sub-part headers too. It shouldn't
match an X- header that only existest in the content of a
message/rfc822 sub-part, but maybe there's a problem here.

Also, does the message to the -owner address go through Spam Assassin
again? If so, you may have to arrange for it not to.

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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