[Mailman-Users] Two questions

Carl Zwanzig cpz at tuunq.com
Sat Jan 29 21:08:06 CET 2005

In a flurry of recycled electrons, Mel Sojka wrote:

> Just a suggestion folks. I have been using mailman since it was the new 
> kid on the block and it is truly a fantastic package, but since series 
> 2.1 at least once a week the VIRTUAL_HOSTS issue hits the users list.  
> someone to create a VIRTUAL_HOSTS howto , even the notes in the FAQ are 
> a bit vague.  If nothing else this may make life a bit easier for the 
> answer guys.

Having just (still) gone (going) through the virtual hosts/lists dance...
I was actually planning on writing up my experiences for this list. Could
become a FAQ....

In the short form:
AFAICT, none of the published patches work out of the box on 2.1.5 (I've 
been patching the patches).
It -does- matter how you postfix setup is configured.
There aren't any decent explanations of which foot bone connects to which 
ankle bone, and how list names change in the process.
There are few, if any, patches for the ./bin utilities to do the right
thing with virtual lists. I've already patched list_lists for that, and
may get to the others RSN.

Oh, ya. check_perms doesn't seem to report that the alias file isn't owned 
by mailman.


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