[Mailman-Users] failure to post to list

Christopher Adams chris.a.adams at state.or.us
Fri Jan 28 17:31:40 CET 2005

This may not be strictly a Mailman problem, but a problem posting to a 
Mailman list nonetheless. A specific list owner posts a message to a 
list. The maillog (I use Postfix) shows:

maillog.1:Jan 27 16:31:27 webhost postfix/local[25275]: EBD2A4E5DF: 
to=<mylist at wherever.com>, relay=local, delay=1, status=sent ("|/l
ists/mail/mailman post mylist")

The mailman post log should show something like:

post:Jan 28 07:31:05 2005 (3196) post to mylist from joe at wherever.org, 
size=3512, message-id=<372EFF9FE4E42E419C978E7A305DC5FE082C8C09@
exsalem5.wherever.org>, success

However, there is no entry in the post log and the message is never 
delivered. This is a consistent problem for this particular person. 
There are no error messages sent back to her or messages to me as the 

I am just sitting here scratching my head, wondering what to do next. 
Does anyone have any ideas what might be happening?

Christopher Adams

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