[Mailman-Users] moderation / hold does not work

Peter Schneider-Kamp psk at informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Mon Jan 17 11:59:43 CET 2005

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Brad Knowles wrote:
|     Well, "/mailman" and "/pipermail" are not what I would consider
| standard locations for these things.  Standard locations would all be
| under "/usr/local/mailman".  Anything else is non-standard, at least as
| far as Mailman is concerned.

Sorry for being imprecise here. I meant /mailman is the
ScriptAlias for /home/mailman/cgi-bin/ and /pipermail is the Alias
for /home/mailman/archives/public/ in my httpd.conf.

|>  Sending a message from a non-member address
|>  the message is delivered correctly to mailman:
|>  Jan 17 11:33:49 tutnix sm-mta[20231]: j0HAXnVf020231:
|>  from=<nowoonder at yahoo.com>, size=1828, class=0, nrcpts=1,
|>  msgid=<20050117094108.88207.qmail at web53908.mail.yahoo.com>, proto=
|>  ESMTP, daemon=MTA, relay=ms-2.rz.RWTH-Aachen.DE []
|>  Jan 17 11:33:50 tutnix sm-mta[20232]: j0HAXnVf020231:
|>  to="|/home/mailman/mail/mailman post mailman",
|>  ctladdr=<mailman at tutnix.aegee.rwth-aachen.de> (8/0), delay=00:00:01,
|>  xdelay=0
|>  0:00:01, mailer=prog, pri=32075, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent
|>  Neither a moderation message is sent to the owner nor
|>  are there any pending moderation requests in the web
|>  interface. I cannot find any heldmsg*-files, too.
|     So, does this message get posted to the list, or does it just
| disappear?

It just disappears. In contrast to when using the Discard option
no message is sent to the list-owner.

|     At this point, I'm not sure what I can tell you.  I administer or
| co-administer Mailman installations at a few different sites, and
| everywhere I do that, using "Moderation" works just fine.

There seems to be a (at least partly) general problem here, though,
as there are at least two other users who experience the same

|     There's something strange going on at your site, but without more
| information, I can't begin to guess what that is.  As a starting point,
| I would suggest that you try the debugging recommendations at
| <http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=show&file=faq03.014.htp>.
| Your problem is slightly different, but the debugging procedures are the
| same.

Okay. I will do that after lunch and get straight back to you.

Thanks for your time,
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