[Mailman-Users] Changing my DEFAULT_HOST_NAME

david gordon davidg at goraich.co.uk
Fri Feb 11 10:53:11 CET 2005

I have moved my server including Mailman installation from one host to
another. As a result the default server name changed. I have added the
new default server name to mm_cfg_py but still see that monthly password
reminders are sent from mailman-owner at the-old-server-address.

Defaults.py has
# Site-specific settings
DEFAULT_HOST_NAME   = 'my-domain.my-old-host.co.uk'
# DEFAULT_URL must end in a slash!
DEFAULT_URL         = 'http://mydomain.my-old-host.co.uk/mailman/'
# PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL and PRIVATE_ARCHIVE_URL should not end in slashes!
PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL  = '/pipermail'
PRIVATE_ARCHIVE_URL = '/mailman/private'

HOME_PAGE         = 'index.html'
MAILMAN_OWNER     = 'mailman-owner@%s' % DEFAULT_HOST_NAME
and I have added the following to mm_cfg_py
# Site-specific settings
DEFAULT_HOST_NAME   = 'my-domain.org'
# DEFAULT_URL must end in a slash!
DEFAULT_URL         = 'http://my-domain.org/mailman/
There are two questions here really: How do I ensure that the default
email address is my-domain.co.uk and not my-domain.my-old-host.co.uk?
(Note that mail from the list does come from my-domain.co.uk but I
believe that's a change I made in the web admin panel.)

Why shouldn't I just make the changes in Defaults.py - yes I know the
documents say don't! But as I have in effect reinstalled my Mailman on
another server shouldn't I have Defaults.py as accurate as possible?

Final related question, does Defaults.py get the DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME from
my Apache httpd.conf during the install.


david gordon

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