[Mailman-Users] changing displayed hostname

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Tue Feb 8 18:46:27 CET 2005

Michael Soulier wrote:
>When users load my main mailing list page, they see "<hostname>
>Mailing Lists" where hostname is the FQDN of the box. I'd like to
>change what is displayed there, but that seems to be hardcoded in the
>compiled listinfo binary. Is there a way to change that, and the
>displayed owner address?

It is not hardcoded per se. It is the FQDN returned by
Utils.get_domain() which in turn is normally the host part of the URI
of the page unless that can't be found because it wasn't set in the
environment by the web server running the CGI script or
VIRTUAL_HOST_OVERVIEW is set Off in mm_cfg.py.

If VIRTUAL_HOST_OVERVIEW is Off or the host can't be found in the
environment then what is returned is DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST.

The domain of the displayed site list address has one more step which
is the domain returned by Utils.get_domain() is used as a 'url_host'
key to look up the corresponding 'email_host' in the VIRTUAL_HOSTS
dictionary. If this lookup succeeds, the 'email_host' is used,
otherwise the 'url_host' is used.

In other words, if you are using virtual domains and everything is
properly set up in mm_cfg.py, You should be seeing the appropriate
FQDN for the host in the URI with which you reach the page.

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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