[Mailman-Users] Marking mass mailing as "not spam"?

Dave Dewey ddewey at cyberthugs.com
Tue Feb 8 17:36:03 CET 2005

Quoting José Zapata (jose.zapata at infonegocio.net.pe):

> Hello there.
> I have several announce-only news lists, the biggest of which has about
> 30000 subscribers. Mailman is working flawlessly, and I love it. The only
> problem I have it's not mailman related, but perhaps it can be solved by
> using mailman. There's a group of subscribers who detect our newsletters
> as spam (AOL and cantv mostly), and thus don't recieve them. Is there any
> way to solve this? (other than resending the messages by hand, which
> isn't really an option)

http://postmaster.aol.com to start.  You need to determine why they are
marking them as spam and either fix that, or work with the providers
one-on-one to address it and get whitelisted.  It's an ongoing battle.  

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