[Mailman-Users] Strange Email

Jess Mooers jmooers at landmanninteractive.com
Tue Dec 20 21:20:45 CET 2005

I recently started receiving the following email:

====== Forwarded Message ======
Date: 12/20/05 1:45 PM
Received: 12/20/05 2:12 PM -0600
From: Cron Daemon <root at landmannassoc.com>
To: root at landmannassoc.com

/usr/bin/python: can't open file '/Applications/mailman/cron/gate_news'

====== End Forwarded Message ======

I understand why I am getting the message, as the path is invalid, but I have a few questions.

1. Where is the email generated?
2. Can I change the address it is sent to (my domain has changed)?
3. Where is the path defined as 'Applications/mailman/cron/gate_news' so I can change it?

Thanks in advance.

Jess Mooers
Landmann InterActive
1423 S. Park St., Madison, WI 53715
W 608-257-1558 F 608-257-8705

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