[Mailman-Users] migration mailman lists, dealing with paths in config.db

Geoff Crompton geoff.crompton at strategicdata.com.au
Thu Apr 21 09:20:21 CEST 2005

I'm trying to migrate our install of mailman on an old redhat server to 
a shiny old debian server.

Luckily both are running 2.0.11.

I've found that the lists/mylist/config.db file contains the paths to 
the archives. On the debian install the paths are a different location, 
so a variety of commands are failing.

Is there an easy way of updating the paths in the config.db file? I have 
tried the config_list program, it fails when using the -i option, do to 
the difference in paths! Preferably a scripty way, as there are quite a 
few lists to move.

Geoff Crompton
Debian System Administrator
Strategic Data
+61 3 9340 9000

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