[Mailman-Users] Setting option flag for all users?

Jared Smith jared at cpd2.usu.edu
Fri Apr 15 03:33:58 CEST 2005

Jim Tittsler wrote:
 > I think you want to set SuppressPasswordReminders for each member.  And
 > yes, you could do it with withlist.

That worked perfectly and took all of 1 minute to do. THANK YOU!

I would, however, make the recommendation that when send_reminders is set 
0 for a list that imported users should also have the 
SuppressPasswordReminders flag set to 1 rather than 0. As an admin, if I 
don't want reminders sent to my users, then why would every imported user 
have their settings set to receive them, thus overriding my list setting?

Jared Smith

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