[Mailman-Users] Shunted messages idea?

George Booth G.Booth at usm.edu
Tue Apr 5 15:29:21 CEST 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Sapiro" <msapiro at value.net>
To: "George Booth" <G.Booth at usm.edu>; <mailman-users at python.org>
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Shunted messages idea?
> Your error trace below shows a problem in scrubbing an attachment which
> is only done for digests and archives. Possibly the list was set up
> this time with different content filtering or with no digests or
> archives.

Hmm...when I recreated the list the last time, I actually did turn off 
digesting. It doesn't require digesting, so I figured I'd turn it off, but 
got distracted by several fires that needed attending to and forgot I'd done 
that. Strange that none of the other lists are having a problem with 
digesting. Archives are turned off for all lists because of mail delivery 
degradation when it's turned on.

> I don't know why you couldn't find the files. The first several are
> Mailman modules and the rest are Python library modules. They were
> clearly there when the error occurred, and unless Mailman and/or
> Python moved in the interim, they must still be there.

It was most likely user error on my part in not finding the files. That and 
I was swamped with a few other things and probably didn't search hard enough 
when the pathway didn't come through.

> Mailman is attempting to scrub an attachment from the digest. It is
> attempting to get the file name from the Content-Disposition: header
> using the email.Message.get_filename('') method from the Python
> library. It appears that this header is malformed in some way
> (possibly bad RFC 2231 encoding) that is causing the ultimate error in
> the library routines.

Hmm, most of the messages came from a Mac user; I don't know if that one 
specifically did or not. Wonder if that could be part of the problem?

> There should be some kind of error trace analogous to this one for each
> of the shunted messages although the error may not always be the same.

Thanks, I'll check when I get the chance. :)
George Booth     iTech System Administrator
G.Booth at usm.edu
University of Southern Mississippi 

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