[Mailman-Users] Re: HTML Assistance

demo macangels at spamcop.net
Wed Sep 22 15:19:28 CEST 2004

> Can anybody assist me in this regard ???

You must have a webdesigner to have put together your website. They will be
able to figure it out in a second. It could not be more simple.

Alternatively, if all you want is a simple subscription page - or code to
add to your website - you could use something like;

Customising the names of "yourservername".

You are still going to have to learn / pay someone to do the html though.



<B>Join the yourservername list</b>
 <FORM Method=POST 
 Your E-mail address: <INPUT type="Text" name="email" size="30"
 Your Name (optional): <INPUT type="Text" name="fullname" size="30"
 You may enter a privacy password below. This provides only mild security,
but should prevent others from messing with your subscription. <b>Do not use
a valuable password</b> as it<br>
 will occasionally be emailed back to you in cleartext.<br><br>
 If you choose not to enter a password, one will be automatically generated
for you, and it will<br>
 be sent to you once you've confirmed your subscription. You can always
request a mail-back<br>
 of your password when you edit your personal options.<br><br>
 Password choice: <INPUT type="Password" name="pw" size="15"><BR>
 Confirm Password: <INPUT type="Password" name="pw-conf" size="15"><BR><BR>
 Would you like to receive list mail batched in a daily digest? (You may
choose NoMail after you join.)<BR><br>
 <input type=radio name="digest" value="0" CHECKED> No <input type=radio
name="digest" value="1"> Yes<br><br>
 <INPUT type="Submit" name="email-button" value="Subscribe">

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