[Mailman-Users] 2.1.[45]: config.db.last not found

martin f krafft madduck at madduck.net
Thu Sep 9 07:48:48 CEST 2004

also sprach Jim Tittsler <jwt at onjapan.net> [2004.09.09.0404 +0200]:
> That means that it was not able to load either your config.pck or
> config.pck.last files, and it is trying to fall back to the
> config.db (or config.db.last) as last resorts.  (In fact your
> Mailman logs/error log should be telling you about this file
> corruption.)  Your easiest fix would be to replace the list
> configuration with a backup from before the server problems.

This is the funny part. I have backups from the time when it was
working just fine, but when I copy them into place, they give the
same errors. This is really weird...

Is there any way to uncorrupt the file or figure out what happened
with them? As I see from the logs, it's every single one of my
lists. I don't think this is really a problem with the files, but
rather with Mailman...

I have put two affected lists at


Are they really corrupted?

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:" net at madduck
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"the faster i go, the behinder i get."
                                                    -- lewis carroll
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