[Mailman-Users] Update: LDAP Membership Adaptor V3.0

martin.whinnery at blueyonder.co.uk martin.whinnery at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Oct 30 15:06:28 CEST 2004

Quick Note.

Barry's changes to the MemberAdaptor interface broke my hooky code.

So there's a new version:

"This is a read-only LDAP membership adaptor for mailman.

Erik Forsberg has developed an LDAP adaptor which populates list membership based upon an attribute value held on the user entry.

Most of the code here is his, I've modified it to use group membership to populate the lists. So instead of looking for people who have a particular "member-of-list" attribute set ( Eriks' model ), we list people specified as attributes of a particular group.

I suspect this is slightly more efficient, LDAP-wise, as it involves fetching one entry ( the group ), rather than searching all people for those with a 'member-of-list' attribute value.

This is likely to be irrelevant, as your choice of which model to use will more likely be constrained by your existing LDAP structure

It implements a read-only membership interface for a list, implemented as generically as possible, in an attempt to handle in a friendly way the various ways people handle grouping in general and mail grouping in particular with LDAP.

This adaptor only handles membership information. It gets membership information from LDAP groups, and will recurse into groups within groups."

It's here:


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