[Mailman-Users] Re: subscribing per email

Paul H Byerly paul at thcwd.com
Tue Feb 3 21:06:34 CET 2004

Ken Adcock wrote:
>This is probably such a basic question that it didn't make it into the
>documentation. If someone wants to subscribe per email to my list at
>News at palmettomontessori.com what do they write in the email? I tried
>"subscribe" in the subject line, but the admin settings though that the
>person wanted to submit a POST. Can you help?

      No command needed, but you have to use the right address.  Try:
News-subscribe at palmettomontessori.com
News-unsubscribe at palmettomontessori.com

      A confirmation e-mail will be sent in both cases.

<>< Paul

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