[Mailman-Users] Setting delivery option does not work

Anoetic Concepts Admin at AnoeticConcepts.com
Sun Apr 4 08:55:23 CEST 2004

I'm using the Mailman version included in CPanel -- I think it's
version 2.1.3.  I sent the following 5 commands in an email to
the -request address of a list:

set authenticate password
set show
set delivery off
set show

Of course, I replaced "password" with my actual password.  The
response follows:

- Results:
    Your current option settings:
        ack on
        digest off
        delivery on
        myposts on
        hide off
        duplicates on
        reminders on
    delivery option set
    Your current option settings:
        ack on
        digest off
        delivery on
        myposts on
        hide off
        duplicates on
        reminders on

- Done.

The line:
    delivery option set
indicates that the set delivery command was processed, but as you can
see, the option was never turned off.  How do I get this bug fixed?
Do I need to report it to CPanel to get them to fix it and/or upgrade
the version of Mailman?

Anoetic Concepts

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