[Mailman-Users] mailmanctl problem

James Whitt whittjd at email.uc.edu
Mon May 5 21:50:45 CEST 2003

I've been having problems with mailman accepting the mail from the sendmail logs, but after that, it doesn't send the emails back out or anything.  I searched the mail listing and found it was because the mailmanctl was not running.  The problem is though I tried to start it manually and got this error each time:

[root at localhost bin]# ./mailmanctl start
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./mailmanctl", line 524, in ?
  File "./mailmanctl", line 319, in main
  File "./mailmanctl", line 274, in check_privs
    gid = grp.getgrnam(mm_cfg.MAILMAN_GROUP)[2]
KeyError: getgrnam(): name not found

I have no idea how to fix the errors.  Does anyone know what I should do to fix it?
OS: Redhat 9
mailman version: 2.1

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