[Mailman-Users] Why some messages aren't distributed?

Marina Markus mary at bgumail.bgu.ac.il
Thu Mar 13 13:22:33 CET 2003

Hello all,

We have Mailman 2.1.1 running on Linux Redhat7.1. While in general
it works OK and servers over 90 lists, a strange thing happens
from time to time: a message sent to the list isn't distributed
without any reasons. Sometimes during one day, out of four messages
posted by the same list member, two are distributed, and two are not.

List member gets no messages from the list indicating that something
wasn't accepted; and list manager and moderator also receives nothing.

Log files in ~mailman/logs contain nothing concerning messages
that were not distributed; "post" file contains only records 
about those messages that were distributed.

The log file of Sendmail "/var/log/maillog" shows the arrival
of the message to be posted in all cases. In cases when the message
is distributed, it shows sending of this message to list members.
In case when it's not, there is no record related to distribution;
the record following the arrival record is:

Mar 11 15:25:31 lists sendmail[508]: NOQUEUE: lists.bgu.ac.il
[] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to

Maybe this may contain some hint for a problem, which I can't decipher.

I'll be grateful for any idea what to look for.

Marina Markus
Ben-Gurion University Computer Center
Beer-Sheva, Israel
mary at bgumail.bgu.ac.il

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