[Mailman-Users] 2.0.11 to 2.1.1 (Thoughts?)

Jeremy Portzer jeremyp at pobox.com
Fri Mar 7 04:59:00 CET 2003

On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 17:29, Warren Woodward wrote:

> And this makes me wonder if anyone here has thoughts about what specific
> changes have had the most impact on their lists.  I mean, I'm aware of the
> changes through watching this list and messing with my own test install,
> but I'm particularly interested in real-world experiences.  I intend to
> inform all my list owners of some of the new features in 2.1.1 that are
> not currently available, but I'd like to keep it minimal, so what have you
> all found the most useful?  What should I have them watch out for, and
> encourage them to put into use?  What newbie questions do I need to be 
> prepared for?

This is a very short comment/answer considering your many questions, but
it might prove useful.  One minor but annoying thing I noticed in the
upgrade is that digests no longer list the number of messages in the
subject line of the digest.  Is it possible to change this back to the
2.0.x behavior?  It was really nice to get an idea quickly of how big a
given digest is.


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