[Mailman-Users] web create interface

Loriann Higashi loriann.higashi at yale.edu
Wed Jul 30 21:01:53 CEST 2003

Hi All,

I'm having trouble with the web create interface, in that unless I set 
the data/aliases and data/aliases.db to be owned by apache:mailman, 
I'll get an error after I use the web interface to create a list.  The 
list is still created, and the aliases added to the data/aliases file, 
but the list created email does not send and I get the following 
returned in my web browser:

Bug in Mailman version 2.1.2

We're sorry, we hit a bug!

If you would like to help us identify the problem, please email a copy 
of this page to the webmaster for this site with a description of what 
happened.  Thanks!


Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/var/mailman/scripts/driver", line 87, in run_main
   File "/var/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/create.py", line 55, in main
     process_request(doc, cgidata)
   File "/var/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/create.py", line 217, in 
     sys.modules[modname].create(mlist, cgi=1)
   File "/var/mailman/Mailman/MTA/Postfix.py", line 232, in create
   File "/var/mailman/Mailman/MTA/Postfix.py", line 53, in _update_maps
     raise RuntimeError, msg % (acmd, status, errstr)
RuntimeError: command failed: /usr/sbin/postalias 
/var/mailman/data/aliases (status: 1, Operation not permitted)

Everything that I've read, including the archives of this list, says 
that the owner on this file should be mailman:mailman.  Everything 
seems to work with the creation if I set it to apache:mailman, so I'm 
wondering if there's anything wrong with doing this.  And anyone have 
an explanation why it doesn't work correctly?

I'm using Mailman version 2.1.2, python version 2.2.2, on a system 
running Red Hat Linux 9.

Thanks in advance,
Loriann Higashi
Coordinator of Student Computing
loriann.higashi at yale.edu
(203) 432.9549

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