[Mailman-Users] Sendmail Aliases Setup

Wendall Cada wendall at 83864.com
Wed Jul 30 02:43:21 CEST 2003

Hi all,

I have recently setup Mailman 2.1.2 on Redhat 8 using Sendmail. I have a 
problem when creating lists, there are no entries created in /etc/aliases and 
the aliases.db isn't updated with the current information. Following the 
information in the FAQ, i was able to set this up manually, but only one 
alias works, the main list alias using mailman post method. However, there is 
a problem using the mailowner and mailcmd parameters, they don't appear to be 
valid. My question is this:

How do I set this up so when creating a list all the aliases are set up for 

Also, how can I repair my existing list setups so that -owner, -request 
aliases work? What are the correct parameters for these?



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