[Mailman-Users] problems with mailman on apache2

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at skynet.be
Fri Jul 25 03:01:41 CEST 2003

At 6:04 PM -0600 2003/07/24, Shane Hickey wrote:

>  	Anyway, I recently upgraded to apache 2.0 and I'm having problem.  I
>  copied the appropriate lines of config from my old httpd.conf to my new
>  conf.  However, when I try to access any of the web pages for my lists,
>  I get this error: "No such list"
>  	What's weird, though, is that my lists are all still functioning.  When
>  I run ./bin/list_lists as the mailman user, I see all my lists.  The
>  members are all still there and everything.  I just can't get to the web
>  interface for any of them.
>  	This is probably a simple problem and I've probably not provided enough
>  information.  So, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

	I can tell you that we recently upgraded our systems to apache2, 
and all our mailman lists are still working.  Unfortunately, I can't 
give you any details of what we did to convert, since I was not 
involved in that process.  However, I can confirm that there should 
be no problems using mailman with apache2.

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at skynet.be>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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