[Mailman-Users] cc headers in 2.1

Will Yardley william+mm at hq.newdream.net
Wed Jan 29 21:19:15 CET 2003

Since upgrading to 2.1, I notice that instead of:

To: list at example.com
Cc: Realname foo at bar.xxx, "John Q. Doe" blah at blah.xxx, dookie at asdf.invalid

The headers appear as:

To: list at example.com
Cc: Realname foo at bar.xxx
Cc: "John Q. Doe" blah at blah.xxx
Cc: dookie at asdf.invalid

Is this for aesthetic or technical reasons, and is there a way to turn
this behavior off?

I didn't see anything in Defaults.py or in the web interface that would
allow changing this, but perhaps I'm missing something.

"Since when is skepticism un-American?
Dissent's not treason but they talk like it's the same..."
(Sleater-Kinney - "Combat Rock")

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