[Mailman-Users] spam filtering

Robin Rowe rower at MovieEditor.com
Wed Jan 29 18:00:01 CET 2003

By setting bounce_matching_headers I have mailman trapping some messages
with content likely to be spam. This works really well, and I can approve
the false positives to go through. I would like to check not just headers
but the message body. There are a few phrases that would be good to catch
there. Can I do that?

The manual doesn't mention anything about this in the section,
"Spam-specific posting filters". It would seem appropriate to say how to do
this there, or if it can't be done.


By the way, I'm administering mailman for a SourceForge list. Didn't set it
up myself. SourceForge creates some default spam filter rules, and I've been
adding to those.


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