[Mailman-Users] [Mailman 2.1] Is it possible to pre-approve amessage

NOW Website Coordinator webperson at now.org
Wed Jan 29 17:49:55 CET 2003

>From: Marc Haber <mh+mailman-users at zugschlus.de>
>To: mailman-users at python.org
>Subject: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman 2.1] Is it possible to pre-approve a
>Message-ID: <E18drbk-0001VF-00 at mx1.toplink-plannet.de>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Precedence: list
>Message: 11
>we have a mailing list of customers that we use to send out
>announcements about service problems, bad lines and general
>information. Nobody should be able to send e-mail to that list except
>the people allowed to do so. Since e-mail senders are easily forged,
>we have currently set all list members to moderated (including the
>people allowed to send to the list, who are also moderators).
>When a message goes out to the list, the author sends it, gets back
>the approval request and approves her own message. People have started
>to complain that this is uncomfortable. Before we switched to Mailman
>(2.1, if that matters), that list was managed with a patched majordomo
>that would only forward a message to this list if the correct password
>was found in the message's first line (which was then removed from the
>message before actually sending it out to the list).
>Is there a possibility to allow Mailman 2.1 to immedately forward a
>message from a moderator to the list if and only if the correct
>moderator password is given in the message? If the message doesn't
>have an "Approved: <listpassword>" header or first line, it should be
>held for moderation just as any other message coming in to the list
>Any hints will be appreciated.

Yes, just add the same type of header as Majordomo used:

approved: <moderator-password>

Sarah Stapleton-Gray
Web Site Coordinator
National Organization for Women

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