[Mailman-Users] How to change all memberpasswords

Simon White simon at mtds.com
Wed Jan 29 15:59:41 CET 2003

29-Jan-03 at 15:15, weiss.nix at web.de (weiss.nix at web.de) wrote :
> Helo mailman users,
> how can I change all member-passwords of an existing list to the same?
> I don't want to do that by the webfrontend because I have to change a
> lot of passwords and all members should get the same!

-- withlist is your friend.

As another example, say you wanted to change the password for a
particular user on a particular list.  You could put the following
function in a file called `changepw.py':

from Mailman.Errors import NotAMember

def changepw(mlist, addr, newpasswd):
        mlist.setMemberPassword(addr, newpasswd)
    except NotAMember:
        print 'No address matched:', addr

and run this from the command line:
% bin/withlist -l -r changepw mylist somebody at somewhere.org foobar

|-Simon White, Internet Services Manager, Certified Check Point CCSA.
|-MTDS  Internet, Security, Anti-Virus, Linux and Hosting Solutions.
|-MTDS  14, rue du 16 novembre, Agdal, Rabat, Morocco.
|-MTDS  tel +212.3.767.4861 - fax +212.3.767.4863

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