[Mailman-Users] editing HTML

delilah at seyyav.pair.com delilah at seyyav.pair.com
Tue Jan 28 15:02:47 CET 2003


I'm using mailman 2.0.6 and having trouble editing the HTML for the
subscriber confirmation page.  I've made the changes via the edit html
section of the admin interface.   The problem is with setting the bgcolor
tag for the page.  Any changes I make get over written with the following
tags that are automatically added to the page when I access it via my

<BODY bgcolor="#ffffff">

I try to set bgcolor as

<body bgcolor="#E5E5E5"  LINK="#0033CC" VLINK="gray" ALINK="#0066FF">

but it doesn't work, the page still shows up white.

Is there are way to work around this?


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