[Mailman-Users] Moderating a list via email

John DeCarlo jdecarlo at mitre.org
Mon Jan 13 15:39:48 CET 2003


Replying to my own request, but there you go.

I found that reading the email about moderation more carefully showed 
that there was an attached email:

 >confirm 5f901f3663c7d0e7d90ffb2de186da8bdfb2fdad
 >list-name-request at parsnip.site.org
 >If you reply to this message, keeping the Subject: header intact,
 >Mailman will discard the held message.  Do this if the message is
 >spam.  If you reply to this message and include an Approved: header
 >with the list password in it, the message will be approved for posting
 >to the list.  The Approved: header can also appear in the first line
 >of the body of the reply.

It was a little bit tricky, but while I could not figure out how to 
reply to the attached message, I could cut and paste the Subject: line 
into a new message to the right address.

(P.S. I found in the archives a note from Jon Carnes suggesting sending 
"help" command to the list-request address.  This got me to the 
"confirm" command, which actually led to searching for confirm and 
finding the attachment email which I had not thought to try and read 

John DeCarlo wrote:
> Hello,
> I have searched the FAQ, I have searched the archives, I have done 
> Google searches, I went to www.list.org and other links from there.
> I swear I have seen this somewhere before, but now can't find it. 
> Apologies in advance.
> Problem:  The moderators need to be able to moderate some lists when 
> they don't have access to the web interface, but do have access to 
> email.  (For some internal lists, the web server is behind a firewall 
> and only accessible on site or via VPN.)
> Then I will try to change the text that goes with the email to the 
> moderators, referencing the email approval process as well.
> Thank for any pointers


John DeCarlo, The MITRE Corporation, My Views Are My Own
email:      jdecarlo at mitre.org
voice:      703-883-7116
fax:        703-883-3383
DISA cube:  703-882-0593

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