[Mailman-Users] Ok.. got everything working..

Richard Barrett r.barrett at openinfo.demon.co.uk
Sun Jan 12 20:27:41 CET 2003

At 18:23 12/01/2003, Glenn Sieb wrote:
>At 01:12 PM 1/12/2003 +0000, Richard Barrett posted the following...
>>Depends on how you want to change it. Assuming you've checked out the 
>>final setup notes in INSTALL file, the notes in Defaults.py and made your 
>>changes in mm_cfg.py
>I've read INSTALL, there seems to be nothing there showing me how to 
>change that "mailman at www.wingfoot.org" to something useful. Neither was 
>there anything in Defaults.py that I could find.. I searched archives and 
>found "MAILMAN_OWNER", but that also does not appear in the Defaults.py 
>file. I have placed that entry into my mm_cfg.py, to no avail.

The function listinfo_overview in $prefix/Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py says:

     siteowner = Utils.get_site_email()

Function get_site_email in $prefix/Mailman/Utils.py is defined as:

def get_site_email(hostname=None, extra=None):
     if hostname is None:
         hostname = mm_cfg.VIRTUAL_HOSTS.get(get_domain(), get_domain())
     if extra is None:
         return '%s@%s' % (mm_cfg.MAILMAN_SITE_LIST, hostname)
     return '%s-%s@%s' % (mm_cfg.MAILMAN_SITE_LIST, extra, hostname)

 From which we can conclude that the value of hostname

     hostname = mm_cfg.VIRTUAL_HOSTS.get(get_domain(), get_domain())

and the mailto is to the values of:

     '%s@%s' % (mm_cfg.MAILMAN_SITE_LIST, hostname)

Function get_domain in $prefix/Mailman/Utils.py is defined as:

def get_domain():
     host = os.environ.get('HTTP_HOST', os.environ.get('SERVER_NAME'))
     port = os.environ.get('SERVER_PORT')
     # Strip off the port if there is one
     if port and host.endswith(':' + port):
         host = host[:-len(port)-1]
     if mm_cfg.VIRTUAL_HOST_OVERVIEW and host:
         return host.lower()
         # See the note in Defaults.py concerning DEFAULT_HOST_NAME
         # vs. DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST.
         hostname = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_HOST_NAME or mm_cfg.DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST
         return hostname.lower()

So I would guess that hostname is is defined by some combination of the 
following variables in Defaults.py/mm_cfg.py depending on which are defined 
and how:


There is some information about these variable in $prefix/Mailman/Defaults.py.

Hope this helps

>>You will probably want to use the $prefix/bin/fix_url.py bin/withlist 
>>script to get the changes in mm_cfg.py to propagate to an existing list.
>Well this is on the "list of lists" page 
>(https://www.wingfoot.org/mailman/listinfo) ...
>Again, thank you for all your help :) Of all that was going on, this is 
>pretty minor, and certainly liveable for now. I just figured this 
>would/should be an easily changed setting...

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