[Mailman-Users] Rejecting Messages

Warren Hoffman warren at whoffman.com
Wed Feb 12 02:14:06 CET 2003

One of my colleagues (we're both very limited technically) figured out how 
to reject messages with attachments (mime, etc.) as well as messages with 
HTML. However, the sender gets no notification when this happens. Some 
people send involuntary or semi-involuntary attachments (like Outlook 
vcards - .vcf), so we'd like to at least give a bounce message. Could 
somebody tell me what config parameter would allow this and what I would 
put where. A simple message like "Your message was rejected because it had 
an attachment or HTML content" would be fine.

Also - it would be wonderful if we could let some attachment types through 
- specifically .vcf and .dat as they're harmless and usually come from 
email systems like Outlook. Again, we're limited, so if someone could spell 
this out it would be very, very helpful. The reason we screen is because we 
don't want to pass anything on that might have a virus.


--Warren (Webmaster for odnetwork.org)

_|_|_|  Warren Hoffman - Organization Improvement Consultant
_|_|_|  208 Jackson Blvd., Wilmington, DE 19803
_|_|_|  Phone/Fax: 302-658-7508
_|_|_|  warren at whoffman.com
_|_|_|   http://www.whoffman.com

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