[Mailman-Users] cannot completely delete a list

Andy Firman debian at firman.us
Tue Feb 11 17:43:26 CET 2003

Using Mailman 2.0.11

I have a list with spaces in the name like "Official Whatever Newsletter Test"
and I tried to delete it but it did not remove everything.
I am wondering if it has to do with the spaces in the name.

I tried:  rmlist -a Official\ Whatever\ Newsletter\ Test
thinking this would work.  Tried it many ways but it is still
listed when I run the list_lists command.

The management page is broken.  It is almost like some of the remains were
removed and some weren't.

The Official Whatever Newsletter Test directory still exists under the 
/mailman/lists/  directory so there is some html stuff left.
It shows up on the publically advertised lists on my site which I don't want.

Can I just rm -rf the /mailman/lists/Official\ Whatever\ Newsletter\ Test/
directory and be done with it?

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