[Mailman-Users] Per Virtual domain customizations

Todd Freedom_Lover at pobox.com
Tue Feb 4 18:25:45 CET 2003

Hash: SHA1

John Locke wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 00:40, Simon White wrote:
> > I do this via synchronisation. A script that calls
> > add_member/remove_member called from the code that does the
> > INSERT/DELETE query in SQL. It's not particularly robust but it works.
> Yes, this is what I was thinking I would have to do. I had just found some
> references to a SQL "member adapter" for Mailman, during a web search, but
> was unable to find anything about implementing it.

I haven't seen anyone announce a MySQLMemberAdaptor yet either, but Martin
Whinnery made an announcement here a few weeks ago for an LDAPMemberAdaptor.
If you know some python, perhaps you want to look at the LDAP version and
try and convert it for use with MySQL. You'd surely make a lot of friends if
you did it. :)

The URL for the LDAPMemberAdaptor is http://webserver.offal.homelinux.org

You might also want to look at ~mailman/Mailman/MemberAdaptor.py if you're
thinking of attempting this.

> So far I've been able to set per-list configurations, using config_list
> after the list is created. I found if I create an "en/" directory inside
> the directory for the list, any templates I put in there are used before
> the ones in the main template directory. But this doesn't help for the
> initial list-creation email sent to the list admin (because the list isn't
> created beforehand), or for the ADMIN_CATEGORIES variable (because it
> seems to be site-wide).

You might already know this, but here's what the very helpful comments in
Mailman.Utils.maketext say:

    # When looking for a template in a specific language, there are 4 places
    # that are searched, in this order:
    # 1. the list-specific language directory
    #    lists/<listname>/<language>
    # 2. the domain-specific language directory
    #    templates/<list.host_name>/<language>
    # 3. the site-wide language directory
    #    templates/site/<language>
    # 4. the global default language directory
    #    templates/<language>
    # The first match found stops the search.  In this way, you can
    # specialize
    # templates at the desired level, or, if you use only the default
    # templates, you don't need to change anything.  You should never modify
    # files in the templates/<language> subdirectory, since Mailman will
    # overwrite these when you upgrade.  That's what the templates/site
    # language directories are for.

Perhaps the second option is what you're looking for?

- -- 
Todd              OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
Never underestimate the power of very stupid people in large groups.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: When crypto is outlawed bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.


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